Monday, March 30, 2009

Mr. Nate Walkaaaa

Sooo this man is low key awesommeee. And not just awesome writing skills, but he's the best drunk friend.LMAO. No seriously, this dude is ill he sings && is lyrically inclined out the assss. You have to watch our facebook videos of him freestyling [ if you can here it ].

If you don't know him, Well I'ma need you to get hip. I did. He wrote the "Blame it on the Alcohol" song.....and we all know that was effin genius. Not to dick ride him or anything, he jus a cool person and i promised him i'll do a blog bout him. He's still up and comin but preettty darn close to the top.

Here's his Contact ish;
Facebook FanPage
Myspizzle Dizzle

My World - Nate Walka

Our Cameo...lls Fl0win


1 comment:

  1. i effin love nate
    turnin the mic on and sh!t
