Monday, December 14, 2009

we reached our breaking point...

Its bout time for the new year to come around. And as I sit around and think bout what is to come. I stop to think. What can I leave in the past?

We all have people, things, or whatever in our lives that hinder us from moving forward, or just seem to not motivate us to take the nest step in our lives because they seem as if their still on the same road since HS. It maybe the case where they have grown up in the mind frame but in the physical not doing anything to keep pushing the rest further. I've said it before and I will say it again, some people just dont understand the term of "grinding".

Waiting around for the next best thing to come is NOT it. Try setting a goal for yourself and take WHATEVER steps possible to reach that goal. and taking any bump in the road as a test, testing your ability to stay strong and keep moving. '09 has been a VERY stressful year for myself. I'm taking all the mistakes I made and learning from them, never regret a mistake. The people who weren't there when i needed them, their being left behind too, right along with the people who are constantly surrounded by drama.

Say i'm acting brand new, I say its time I start thinking for myself. I'm walking into '010 with my head held high and anxious.

as my circle becomes smaller, my trust begins to grow

heartless romantic

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


too cute :)

heartless romantic

I love this video.

all realness.... sexy as FUCK.

heartless romantic

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

i@WoL X MGM: Lil Bay Newt...Countdown to MIDNIGHT(1.1.10)

Check it out !. i LOVE my @WO! fam ♥

Follow : @iAWOLTeam | NOW |.

heartless romantic