Monday, December 14, 2009

we reached our breaking point...

Its bout time for the new year to come around. And as I sit around and think bout what is to come. I stop to think. What can I leave in the past?

We all have people, things, or whatever in our lives that hinder us from moving forward, or just seem to not motivate us to take the nest step in our lives because they seem as if their still on the same road since HS. It maybe the case where they have grown up in the mind frame but in the physical not doing anything to keep pushing the rest further. I've said it before and I will say it again, some people just dont understand the term of "grinding".

Waiting around for the next best thing to come is NOT it. Try setting a goal for yourself and take WHATEVER steps possible to reach that goal. and taking any bump in the road as a test, testing your ability to stay strong and keep moving. '09 has been a VERY stressful year for myself. I'm taking all the mistakes I made and learning from them, never regret a mistake. The people who weren't there when i needed them, their being left behind too, right along with the people who are constantly surrounded by drama.

Say i'm acting brand new, I say its time I start thinking for myself. I'm walking into '010 with my head held high and anxious.

as my circle becomes smaller, my trust begins to grow

heartless romantic

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


too cute :)

heartless romantic

I love this video.

all realness.... sexy as FUCK.

heartless romantic

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

i@WoL X MGM: Lil Bay Newt...Countdown to MIDNIGHT(1.1.10)

Check it out !. i LOVE my @WO! fam ♥

Follow : @iAWOLTeam | NOW |.

heartless romantic

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Favorite Undiscoverd Artist ;Jae B

When I heard this man's voice, I was instantly drawn in. He's tooo talented for his own good. Lyrics, flow, talent. BOMB ♥

Starting Over Mixtape. [ click photo to download ]

First Semester Mixtape

heartless romantic

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Travis Porter x Waka Flocka


Streets R Us

heartless romantic


heartless romantic

Young Lyxx

here's whats to come with him.....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hope = Dissapointment

Why once we start to break loose of the shell that keeps people from entering in, do we start to see why we stayed enclosed in there? Were often told that were going to end up alone if we don't learn to let people in. And as far as i see it. Sometimes. Ending up alone looks pretty darn good. If it helps protect me from being hurt and so i don't have to deal with the nuisance of caring for another person. The happiness can only happen for sometime, but there is so much a person can give. - Im going back into my shell

heartless romantic

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


heartless romantic


i f.cks wit this song. got two of the baddest in the game ! need i say more????

heartless romantic

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I jus Love This Pic.....

this is how my drunken nights go. LOL

heartless romantic

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sometimes, We Just Cant Explain it......

Feelings. Have you ever had that one person come into your life and just not understand the way you feel for them. When everything started out to just have fun and then you see that it didn't go as we planned. I've come to realize the more you get to know a person the more u start feeling for them. You don't even realize till you have some alone time and your thoughts start to scatter. You find yourself thinking about that person, wishing you were with them, and wanting to talk to them every chance you get. But then you start question yourself. Why do i feel this way? Why do you keep running across my mind? Why is it him.....

Its aggravating when you cant explain why you feel a way for a person, even more so when you didn't expect to have them. Afraid to admit them because your afraid to scare away the person, and give yourself too much hope for something that may not even happen. But as i ask myself over and over again, Why? The only answer i can get is..... i don't know. we just do.

Then is comes to nights like these where I'm here venting out my feelings. Realizing i need to get over myself that i need to accept the way i feel. Because no matter how I feel im still happy to have that person in my life. They make me laugh and I can talk to them. In some ways, in this short period of time, i've realized and changed some things about myself.

Point Blank.... I like you. And I just don't know why.

heartless romantic

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Love. Learn to Live.

Some females don’t know how to live and learn…. So here’s what I have to say in regards to that. A lot of you females want to walk around proclaiming your “independent && strong” but in reality when it comes to it … your not.

In our lifetime were going to experience a heartbreak or two. But eventually were going to have to get past them. Crying, bringing yourself down, and still trying to go after that person… isn’t going to help you move on. Dwelling on the past will only make your future very lonely.

I hate to see a female cry over a person that has already moved on. Making yourself feel down bout what happened and not moving on, is only giving that person power. Writing about them, saying how the next person will/is never going to be like you, only makes them feel like they still have you wrapped around their finger. And trust they will use it to their advantage to get what they want.

People lie and manipulate all the time, when you come to realize that the person doesn’t want the same things as you do, honestly, don’t be surprised. What you want your not always going to get. Face it and get over it. I try to tell my friends all the time, to help you get over the pain; take the anger from the person and MOVE ON.

In conclusion. Crying over a person who doesn’t want you anymore is only wasting your time while there having a good laugh about how they can’t get you off there dick. And if you can’t take a hint. Look how the person treats you….is that really what you want to keep dealing with??


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It Goes a lil something Like....

“Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. ”

There's only so many tears a
girl can cry before she becomes mad.

The more tears spent.
The more the other person wins.
To believe your better.
The stronger you become. To overcome.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

City Of Savages

This is the homies clothing line. I tell you. Im surrounded by people who are gonna blow any second !
The Creator Himself

L.S - check his mixtape out.
L.S. , Genesis, Tizzy - Music Is My Drug Volume 1 Mixtape Hosted by Genesis Productions @

Shared via AddThis


Follow :

Let Me Express My Thoughts

A broken Heart could never heal on its own. Many people feel as if they can heal their own wounds . But the heart is not one that can be mended on its own. The heart heals by the love of the surrounding people as well a the love the person is feeling for themselves. And you can't get that feeling if your surrounded by people who just bring you down. The heart wants what the heart wants. And it wants that night and shining armor. Someone to show that there is not all bad people out there, that there is someone that can mend these wounds....for good.

Failed attempt and failed again, only lowers the hope of heart causing to fall apart rather than rebuild. It comes to a point where you feel as if you may have a good "Doctor". But scared to let him in. Feeling though it is safer to stay b r o k e n than to risk breaking even more.

It makes it harder when you cant play the role of the Mind Reader && doesnt know what The Doctor wants to do. The game of "lets fix this heart" is not to be played be anyone. More so an " invite only ". But we know every player and attempting player there is always a cheater. Which only makes it harder for the next players to come along. And then were back at stage one.

An open mind && a closed heart......doesnt go well ♥


Friday, June 19, 2009

YUNG CEO : Hottest thing Yet

Real Name : Deonte' Wren
: 20
Hometown :
Minneapolis, MN | Still a ATLien |
Status : You ask him.

Check Out his New Single

(ATLien) Yung CEO -

&& "She Bad" hot track

(She Bad) Yung CEO - Yung CEO ft. Mark Fashion

Summer Tyme



Monday, May 11, 2009


Had to throw this on here.
We kno ATL is Musically inclined.
Heres [ some ] of the homies.
[ @w0! ]


Sunday, May 10, 2009

.Behind the Scenes.

.Shout out to my Boss MattyMakeItWork [ @wo! ]
.supported the footage.

good times wit the homies
ima miss yall

check it out. leave a comment

[ btw ]



` had to put this up.
Miss the homies.
even though niggas didnt get a shout out. its cool.

Keep doin yall thing.
Next big things Khayree && Messiah aka Ham


Saturday, April 11, 2009

gotta say. im addicted


Friday, April 10, 2009


hey world♥

so im bored =] after a long nite



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lil Wayne- Every Girl

I like a long haired thick red bone
-he was talkin bout me...lls


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twitterrific or....NOT

So I know a lot of people have been feeling a lil indifferent about this whole "Twitter" thing.

In a way...its completely pointless! but at the same time it's like, "hey, i can update my status w/o someone bitchin bout changing constantly"

Only thing good bout this is that, Celebs that you follow REALLY be on it. I feel like its a, boring ass myspace/facebook. With out the damn chat.

So tell me....what do you think?
[ btw ]
follow me.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Mr. Nate Walkaaaa

Sooo this man is low key awesommeee. And not just awesome writing skills, but he's the best drunk friend.LMAO. No seriously, this dude is ill he sings && is lyrically inclined out the assss. You have to watch our facebook videos of him freestyling [ if you can here it ].

If you don't know him, Well I'ma need you to get hip. I did. He wrote the "Blame it on the Alcohol" song.....and we all know that was effin genius. Not to dick ride him or anything, he jus a cool person and i promised him i'll do a blog bout him. He's still up and comin but preettty darn close to the top.

Here's his Contact ish;
Facebook FanPage
Myspizzle Dizzle

My World - Nate Walka

Our Cameo...lls Fl0win


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Take a step closer...

Why must it be, when a girl is upfront with a dude that she automatically wants sex?
Why can't a girl be friends with a guy, without him getting attracted some way?
Why girls find the need to go after a guy, Just because he has money?
- and then the bitch wanna sing miss independent. YOU FOOL!
There is so much wrong in this world. To those who are reading, Welcome to the world of a cold heartd girl. ♥It's those dudes who at first seem really nice, but once you let them past that shell. True colors start to show, and you feel like a fool for letting them through. [ Numb ]

♥We try and stay strong believe that it won't happen again. But once it does, how dumb to we feel. [ Number ]

♥The agony of everyone else finding happiness, and your still stuck in the same spot. [ Jus wtf. Numb ]

♥The one person who you truly gave your heart to comes bac, and you let them have it again. But all of a sudden on some brand new shit. [ JUS FUCK IT ! ]

There's no point of trying to look for love or someone. Who wants to deal with the aggyness of worrying about the other, or vice versa. Some people say I don't know what i coud be missing. I believe I rather miss out than get hurt. My friends bring me happiness and i dnt have to worry about them( that much ), and the best part...I dont have to fuck them to keep them around. Honestley, If there someone TRULY out there for me. They'll find a way to get through my wall. Till then, 'tis all. Im out.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Asher O Asher

Asher Roth
is the fuckin truth
Man i love him

This is his newest video for Lark on my go-cart


This boy is somethin else


Friday, March 13, 2009

Jim Jones goes off in Atlanta!


He was reallll tight!

" You a DWEEB!"


I low key love his ass for this. ♥

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

IM TiRED 0f iT!

Since I've moved down to the 'A' some time after Diddy's whole campaign with the "No bitchassness", I thought we all may have learned something not only bout others...but ourselves. As well some niiave part of me thought that would be all left up north. Hah! yea right. How has the dumbness followed me [ us ].


As the active and overly social person that i am, i love to meet new people and plan to persue a friendship with any person [ prefably a guy ] before anything else. And that's JUST how i'm going to act until proven otherwise. But it seems that guys cannot accept that. And people call me stubborn?!!Oh and i'm VERY nice at that too, espcially to someone who i would call a friend.


From the great deal of people that I've met since being down here [ came down in August ]. Do you know how many people have pissed me off because of there "BITCHASSNESS"!. Too many to count. I met this one guy. He came off like he had the same motive as me...jus to be friends...and when we chilled for the first time he brought his friend along....who was WAYYY cuteer/ HAWTER than him...bad move buddy. His friend showed more intrest in me as if he wanted to persue something and i did likewise. Dude noticed, and is now mad at me. l0l. First off if you want something don't expect people to read your mind, GO FOR IT AND MAKE IT KNOWN.


SOOO000 AFTER the fact, he decided to make it known that he was feeling me, my response was, your too late and I honestly don't feel the same way. Made him even more mad. I laughed. Soo time went by and I thought like any other guy he would get over it. Nope. Still bitchin about it. Mind you he has a gf now. Why??? Like wtf are you still mad for??? GROW UP. I tried to dead everything and be friends, he wasn't having it. I gave up on it. But here comes the best part. The dude he brought around that I was supposed to be talkin to...found out he had a gf the whole time.....[ facebook tells ALL ]. WHY? These are the types of dudes that make girls like me....HEARTLESS.


I can't ever understand why people can't be honest with what they want and how they feel. Because your not slick enough to get away with it or have the SWAGG to continue it w/o being caught. Am i the only one that thought we were in COLLEGE???? I guess some people will never grow up and continue to be stuck in the sad.


Me and a friend of mine who I am dearly close with but pisses me off WAAYYYY too much. Tend to go through similar problems at the same time. The best part is that, we tend to have the same dudes try and talk to us...AT THE SAME TIME. Like clearly you can see by our pictures that we hang out together, like A LOT. Sooo do you think were dumb??? It's so bad to a point were i cannot talk to her for a week and jus go to her randomly and ask her if -[ enter dudes name ]- is trying to get at her, and I'll be right.


Now, I don't want a relationship or anything right about now. I'm jus far to damaged to deal with BS unless i feel like a person really want's to try. But what i do want for the girls who can still be saved. Is for guys to get it together. Be smart. Be real. Be you and not what your "homies" want you to be.

Here's some tips;
  • - tells ALL- like really there's some FBI's [ FaceBook Investigators ] out there
  • the AUC is ENTIRELY too small to be hoing around in
  • -Question your "Swagg" before you approach....smh
  • Beware of the girls you try and get at. Not every grl is dumb. Some want the same to the hoe about it. May make your life a WHOLE lot eaiser.

`im out for now...
